Schmitt Söhne Wines  W-G01-25

国名 / CountryGermany/ドイツ

出展分野 / Product CategoryWines / ワイン、

出展者プロフィール / Exhibitor OutlineSchmitt Söhne Weinkellerei is a German winery that is located at the banks of the Mosel river. We have more than 200 years of experience in wine-making. Schmitt Söhne is now managed by the 5th generation of the Schmitt family and is positioned as one of Germany’s major wine exporters. Our brands are distributed in all major countries across Europe, the Americas and Asia. Our products include Riesling and other white wine varietals, blended white wine, sparkling wine, red wine (Pinot Noir, Dornfelder etc.), Rosé, Icewine, etc.

製品名 / Product Name
Miss Schmitt
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製品特徴 / Product Features
The Miss Schmitt Series is named after our 5th generation owner and managing director Juliane Schmitt. It includes a Riesling Landwein, a Gewürztraminer, a Liebfraumilch and (as the most recent addition) an organic Riesling.
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
味 / Indicate Taste
やや甘口/ Medium Sweet
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price

この出展者のその他の製品 / Other products from this exhibitor

製品名 / Product Name
Schmitt Söhne Family Wines Riesling
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製品特徴 / Product Features
One of Germany's most successful Riesling ranges for export. From the Mosel-Saar-Ruwer as well as from the Rheinhessen region and available as QbA dry, QbA, Kabinett, Spätlese and Auslese.
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
味 / Indicate Taste
やや甘口/ Medium Sweet
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price
製品名 / Product Name
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.1 Still wines - red / スティルワイン - 赤、1.2 Still wines - rose / スティルワイン - ロゼ、1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白、1.4 Sparkling wines / スパークリングワイン
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製品特徴 / Product Features
Our „Relax Range“ offers a wide selection of easy going wines with clean and straightforward labels. With its modern design and approachable taste profile, the Relax Range appeals to a broad spectrum of wine drinkers. The name Relax and the motto “Refresh! Relax! Repeat!” perfectly convey what the wines are all about. Enjoying them, you can just lean back and relax.
Includes: Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, Rosé, Pink, Bubbles, Riesling Organic.
味 / Indicate Taste
やや甘口/ Medium Sweet
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price
製品名 / Product Name
Thomas Schmitt Private Selection
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製品特徴 / Product Features
Our estate-bottled Riesling series. Superb quality from the Mosel; covering QbA, Kabinett, Spätlese and Auslese levels. Carefully selected by our 4th generation CEO Thomas Schmitt.
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
味 / Indicate Taste
辛口/ Dry
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price