国名 / Country

出展分野 / Product Category

出展者プロフィール / Exhibitor Outline

製品名 / Product Name
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製造元 / Manufacturer
製品特徴 / Product Features
Ideally suited to the poors soils and harsh environment in the Appellation of Rueda, the vineyards of Verdejo are located in the west of Segovia, planted in very sandy soils covered with alluvial pebbles.
The stress on the vines and wide diurnal swings, where daytime temperatures can tumble as much as 25 degrees at night, help to create the fundamental acidity that Verdejo is known for. Rueda itself is geographically unremarkable; mainly flatlands, though high in altitude, about 2,300 feet above sea level for most of the region and some areas even get snowfall
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
ボディ / Indicate Body
ライト/ Light
味 / Indicate Taste
辛口/ Dry
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price
販売形態 / Available in
ボトル / Bottle
出荷可能時期 / Availability of Shipment
取引形態 / Business Deal
どちらも可能 / Either way
輸出パートナー / Export Partners
なし / Not Exist
販路 / Sales Channels
代理店募集中 / Seeking Distributors

この出展者のその他の製品 / Other products from this exhibitor

製品名 / Product Name
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製造元 / Manufacturer
製品特徴 / Product Features
This wine has been made from grapes from certified organic vineyards following the regulations of the European Union. Vineyards of the Verdejo variety, native to the area, are planted on sandy soils covered with pebbles and are located in the southeastern part of the Rueda Denomination of Origin in the province of Segovia.

The harvest was done manually and the grapes were pressed, the must fermented in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature to preserve all its characteristic aromas.
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
ボディ / Indicate Body
ライト/ Light
味 / Indicate Taste
辛口/ Dry
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price
販売形態 / Available in
ボトル / Bottle
出荷可能時期 / Availability of Shipment
取引形態 / Business Deal
どちらも可能 / Either way
輸出パートナー / Export Partners
なし / Not Exist
販路 / Sales Channels
代理店募集中 / Seeking Distributors
製品名 / Product Name
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製造元 / Manufacturer
製品特徴 / Product Features
Wine produced under organic regulations established in the European Union norm. The hand-picked grapes of Verdejo native to the area come from low yielding very old bush-trained vines –vaso system- planted in very sandy soils with many river pebbles on the surface located in the southeastern part of Rueda Appellation in the province of Segovia.
The juice was fermented in stainless steel tanks with control of temperature, leaving the fine lees for a period to develop complexity producing a softer and rounder mouth-feeling taste. Part of the wine was fermented and remained in french oak barrels to enhance an excellent evolution of the wine in the bottle
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
ボディ / Indicate Body
ミディアム/ Medium
味 / Indicate Taste
辛口/ Dry
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price
販売形態 / Available in
ボトル / Bottle
取引形態 / Business Deal
どちらも可能 / Either way
輸出パートナー / Export Partners
なし / Not Exist
販路 / Sales Channels
代理店募集中 / Seeking Distributors
製品名 / Product Name
製品カテゴリー / Product Categories
1.3 Still wines - white / スティルワイン - 白
生産国・地域 / Country of Origin
製造元 / Manufacturer
製品特徴 / Product Features
Shaya Habis is a special selection of very old Verdejo vines that is also barrel-fermented and aged on its lees in large oak barrels of 500 and 600 litres for 7 months.

The vines are trained in the vaso system and planted in very sandy soils which make possible the fact that many of the vines are ungrafted and very old.
ブドウ品種 / Grape Variety
ボディ / Indicate Body
ミディアム/ Medium
味 / Indicate Taste
やや辛口/ Medium Dry
アルコール度数(%) / Alcohol(%)
小売希望価格 / Retail Price
販売形態 / Available in
ボトル / Bottle
取引形態 / Business Deal
直接取引 / Direct
輸出パートナー / Export Partners
なし / Not Exist
販路 / Sales Channels
代理店募集中 / Seeking Distributors